Thursday, September 29, 2011

Starting Out, Logistics, and More

Tasks from my initial game plan and some for next week:

Note: Numbers in [ ] are estimated time left / projected hours needed

Build basic plug-in for Maya in MEL[4/4]
Read about Maya Nodes[5/5]

Read about Maya C++ API, MEL Scripting [8/10] 
Fine tune details for implementation [5/6]
Set up framework [4/5]
Experiment with MEL UI creation [2/3]

Set up SVN [0/1]
Research dis/advantages of using Python vs. C++  API's for Maya [0/3]

I spent part of this week reading about the two main API's available for writing tools for Maya, namely Python and C++. From what I gathered online, most users agreed that python was an ideal entry point for learning to program for Maya because of its intuitive syntax. However, it's not as well documented online as its C++ counterpart. After talking with Joe and some friends with more expertise in the area, it seemed that C++ is more ideal for this project, since it offers more control and functionality (ie. creating custom nodes in Maya). I also found an article on interfacing between the two API's if the need ever arises.

I've also started to explore creating MEL user interfaces. I'm working through the examples on this site right now, so far everything's been easy to follow, and it's encouraging to have even a little bit of visual feedback.

Test window generated from the tutorial

For the next week, I'm planning on reading more about the Maya Dependency Graph and creating nodes.

Finally, here's the preliminary system diagram for my building generator:

I'm planning on emailing a few people this week to make sure that this is a reasonable approach, so the chart is subject to change depending on how the feedback turns out.

Also, Gliffy (the chart generator) is pretty amazing (thanks Marley!)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're learning MEL, a useful language indeed, however, not a very pretty one to write. I'd also recommend looking into writing MEL with Python. It'll make your life a lot easier.

    I mainly write Python if I have to write a very involved script or plug-in. It can do everything that MEL can (it's basically a wrapper around MEL) plus you get all the open libraries that Python has.
