Friday, December 16, 2011

Making the GUI

Most of the GUI has been implemented! Right now the GUI is separated into 3 tabs, with the first one controlling all map-related functions (such as subdivision), the second one controlling all building-generating parameters, and the third one displaying a map of color to asset name (still in progress). As of now I'm able to generate buildings via the GUI.

Thinking about also including a color editor in the GUI so the user doesn't have to navigate to Maya's Color Set Editor to change the faces.

Also, I'm still working on figuring out if a point falls within a plane. Joe suggested I use the closestPointOnSurface command, but that seems to be a plug-in that happens to be missing from my version of Maya, and I can't find a download for it at the moment. I have, however, found a nearestPointOnMesh command in my plug-in directory, so I'll be looking into that tomorrow.

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