Sunday, December 4, 2011

Beta Review and Future Plans

I had my Beta Review with Norm and Joe on Friday, and I'd say it went over pretty well. I implemented Norm's suggestion on color-coding building footprints to determine the generated structure type, as well as importing external Maya ASCII files into the library of available assets. Results-wise, I was able to generate a city with multiple building types as well as trees (imported Maya ASCII files), which I was pretty happy about.

The Beta Review also gave me some ideas to work on the next few weeks. One was finding a rectangle that can fit completely within a convex polygon. Prior to this, I was generating each footprint by shrinking the bounding box of its containing face by a random value, but in some cases (such as when the polygon is a triangle), the resulting footprint can still fall outside of the face. Another feature we thought of during the review was to subdivide a face into smaller components so the user can generate multiple smaller assets close together.

With the end of the semester coming close, here is a list of features I'm working on having done in the next few weeks:

  • Generate a GUI for the users
  • Implement rectangle generation within convex polygon feature
  • Implement face subdivision
  • Refine building structures
  • Implement user import of assets (as part of the GUI)
  • Add additional building types

    Dec 4 - 10
    • Implement rectangle in convex polygon
    • Implement face subdivision

    Dec 11-17
    • Refine building structures
    • Create GUI

    Dec 17-21
    • Finish optional implementations if time permits
    • Movie presentation

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